Our Story
Our Story
Our story starts off with me noticing and feeling something wasn't quite right with our son Mikeel. I mentioned it to my wife that he didn't seem to be progressing the way that he should be and he wasn't talking much. After a while with no changes, we decided to get him checked for autism, this was a few years ago. So we had him checked at MT Washington and his test results showed that he was indeed on the spectrum. Let me say this on that note parents please GET YOUR CHILDREN CHECKED OUT IF YOU HAVE A GUT FEELING, A MIND OR SPIRIT FEELING THAT SOMETHING JUST ISN'T RIGHT. It's better to be safe than sorry because your children's future maybe at stake.
Now we must think about what to do to help our child. So my wife finds a pre-k3 class at Westtowne Elementary School that helps autistic children and a place called The Therapy Spot for occupational and speech therapy. Now these things with crystal therapy and reiki treatments have helped our son to be evaluated to be able to be in a regular class. This is great but not the end the story. One day I had to take Mikeel to school and I saw his classmates, one of whom broke my heart. She was little girl and when I looked at her face I saw her eyes, she looked as if she was not there and as if she couldn't see me standing in front of her. It was truly heartbreaking. As a result I knew I had to do something to help these children. I would then have an encounter with a man who upon hearing me say these things would tell me you seem like a good man with a good heart. Why don't you start a nonprofit, get some resources, and help the children.
So now here we are!!!